Each year, Father John V. Doyle School holds an auction for a variety of school related items. The competition is always at a friendly frenzied level! This year was no exception! Our school family bid on reserved seating for 8
th Grade & pre-K Graduations, Kindergarten Celebration, and Beauty & the Beast performances. Also available were Dessert of the Month (homemade by our FJVD Book Club), summer camps, an afternoon of Bowling with the middle school teachers, Principal for a Day, and the coveted Reserved Parking Spot! Congratulations to all of our auction winners!
Our faculty was happy to learn that the winner of the Reserved Parking Spot has generously donated it for their use! While a few early risers may already be parking even closer, those faculty/staff that make a longer trek down the sidewalk each day will be very grateful, especially on inclement weather days!
Our Principal for a Day was Kindergarten student Steven Marra! He started his busy day at Morning Prayer Service where he welcomed special guests, Father Murphy and Benjamin (one of our Diocese of Providence Seminarians), followed by giving them a tour of our school. Principal Marra's day continued as he helped me gather information from the middle school, check in on each of our classrooms, deliver a message to the rectory, and even assisted me in teaching a Circle of Grace class to pre-K. Principal Marra did a wonderful job, receiving many compliments on his attitude and attire!
As always,
Thank You for your support of Father John V. Doyle School!
Mrs. Jae T. Smith
Please review the announcements & attachments listed below! And, as always, call or email with any questions/concerns!
Reminder... When you place your order for
uniforms for next year, please keep in mind: the gym sweatshirt is to be worn on gym days only; the 1/4 zip pullover & the vest may be worn during the school day; footwear with the regular uniform is to be solid black (including soles) and socks are to be solid black, white, gray or red (depending on the uniform style - see handbook for more info); any color sneakers may be worn with the gym uniform however socks on gym day are to be solid black or white only. Please call the office if you have any questions.
Thank you to all who participated in the Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Program! A total of $1220.55 was raised over this past school year!
Meritage gift cards are
available through the school office!
FJVD Summer Camps will include: Theater Workshop, Book Camp, Art Camp, Fun in the Sun
- registrations attached.
Basketball C
will take place in August so more info on that to come at the end of the school year.
Dress for Charity Day flyer
Yearbook Order form
Yearbook Booster form
FJVD Theater Summer Workshop info & registration