Father John V. Doyle middle school students enjoyed getting together for a baby shower after school on Friday October 6 to "Celebrate Life!" The event included food, music, and fun raffle prizes as students made the effort to raise awareness of the importance of LIFE and to help those in need. Students attending the shower were asked to bring a new, unwrapped baby gift. All donations collected - everything from bottles to toys to diapers and sleepwear - were given to St. Gabriel's Call, a tradition at our school for the past 20 years.
Students gave generously, most making the purchases with their own money, and many bringing multiple gifts. As they loaded the items into the car for the trip to Providence, Father Fleming jumped in to demonstrate his "expert packing skills" since the students were almost unable to fit the large number of gifts that had been donated! We were also thrilled to have Father Grenon and Father Dandeneau joining us at this awesome annual event!
Faculty and staff also get involved in the fun by donating raffle prizes. Students purchased raffle tickets for a chance to win items such as a football signed by a former Patriot player, an Alex and Ani bracelet, other sports equipment and jewelry, and the grand prize - a movie package to Showcase Cinemas. The proceeds of the raffle, totaling $300, will also benefit the ministry of St. Gabriel's Call.
A message from the Director of St. Gabriel's Call, Office of Life and Family Ministry, Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence:
"Rejoice! Fear not!" were the words of encouragement and hope the Angel Gabriel delivered to Mary in announcement of her unexpected pregnancy. Our staff and volunteers deliver this same message of hope to moms and families and their babies today! Once again, thank you for sharing your God-given time, talent and treasure to help God's special little ones.
God bless you,
Carol A. Owens, Director
As always, Thank You for your continued support of Father John V. Doyle School!