Our Kindergarten students started this year off with a SPLASH! Their classroom was ship-shape, complete with sails and a purple & pink octopus! They have been busy learning to identify letters and their sounds, recognizing patterns, and practicing sorting skills. Kindergarten students are active participants in our school-wide prayer service as they readily join in praying the Lord’s Prayer each morning.
Special events in Kindergarten have included learning about Johnny Appleseed and fire safety during Fire Prevention Week. Each student brought their favorite stuffed animal to school on October 4
th to celebrate the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. As October continues, they will continue learning the stories of Creation, Adam and Eve, and then on to Noah’s Ark!
Please keep our Kindergarten students, as well as all students and faculty of Father John V. Doyle School, in your prayers!
As Always, Thank you for your support of Father John V. Doyle School! Mrs. Smith
Please review the announcements & attachments listed below! And, as always, call or email with any questions/concerns!
Now that cooler weather is returning, shorts are no longer to be worn as part of the regular uniform. Also, gym uniform sweatpants are to be worn on gym days. Students may wear gym uniform shorts under their sweatpants in order for the shorts to be worn during gym class only.
Thanks to all who have been returning your
5th Annual FJVD Walk-a-Thon
pledges! The Walk-a-Thon will be held on Thursday 10/27! Students should wear their gym uniform on that day.
Although the milk cost per day is mentioned in the Lunch/Milk directions, milk
can only be purchased on a monthly basis or for the remainder of the year.
Please refer to the top of the lunch menu for the cost PER MONTH for milk. Your child may choose white or chocolate milk. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The PTO team is looking for a chair for the Gentlemen's Choice Event! If you would be interested in organizing this fun event, please give us a call! Thank you!