The Father John V. Doyle School building may appear quiet during Easter vacation but that doesn’t mean there is lack of activity! A lot has been going on behind the scenes… here is a list of just some of the things we’ve been working on:
Fire alarm upgrade;
Cleaning the heating system;
Disinfecting and airing out of all classrooms;
Interviews for School Secretary and School Nurse;
Planning for Faculty/Staff Professional Development;
Continued development of next year’s budget with the help of the Finance Council and the Trustees;
Review of data for Tuition Assistance;
Preparation/organization of committees to tackle: NEASC 2-year Interim Report, Catholic Identity Report, and the revision of our Multi-Year Plan.
As families are already aware, we are able to keep our tuition at the existing rates for the coming year. In addition, we have increased the amount given for sibling discounts of contributing parishioners
to $500 for a second child and $1000 off for a third child! We are extremely grateful for the support of our parishioners as we continue to offer our families a high-quality Catholic education at an affordable rate.
We look forward to seeing our students back, safe and rested, after our school break! Classes will resume on Monday April 24!
As always,
Thank You for your support of Father John V. Doyle School!
Mrs. Jae T. Smith
Please review the announcements & attachments listed below! And, as always, call or email with any questions/concerns!
Information on Donnelly's school uniforms will be sent home with students next week. In-School Fitting Day will be Wednesday, May 10th.
Reminder... Scholarship Applications for students entering grades 7 & 8 are attached as well as available in the rectory office. The deadline for receipt of completed applications, including all accompanying forms, is May 12, 2017.
This year we are auctioning off our FJVD special school items through an online silent auction. The auction will be active from April 22, 2017 through April 29, 2017. Specific details and a link to the auction form will be sent out on April 22, 2017. A list of items to be auctioned is attached here.
Use the attached Sponsor Sheet to promote your business or put in words of encouragement for your favorite actor or tech member in our Spring Musical Production of Beauty & the Beast! The student with the highest booster sales will get 2 FREE FRONT ROW tickets to the show of their choice!
Beauty & the Beast tickets are now available! Please use the attached order form to place your order!!! Seating for each performance will be limited so please send in your order early!
Meritage gift cards are available through the school office!
FJVD Summer Camps will include: Theater Workshop, Book Camp, Art Camp, Fun in the Sun, and Basketball! Attached here > Theater Workshop, Book Camp, & Fun in the Sun. Art Camp flyerswere sent home with students. Basketball Camp will take place in August so more info on that to come at the end of the school year.